Solomon Biblowitz was born August 26th, 1917, in New York City, the son of Abraham and Beckie Biblowitz. Growing up in the United States, he studied at the Pratt Collegiate Institute for two and a half years in New York. He was bi-lingual in English and Hebrew and worked at the Hebrew National Home, a state institute for orphans, as a sports supervisor. He liked to play rugby and box, and in his spare time his hobby was gunnery. Soon after the outbreak of the Second World War, Solomon took up the cause to fight the injustices that he heard about in Europe. Immigrating first to Newfoundland and then later to Montreal, on September 6th, 1940 he enlisted as a Rifleman with the Canadian Army, The Victoria Rifles of Canada, Regimental Number D-72006. Prior to enlisting Solomon had also served two years with the United States Reserve Officers Training Corp. His younger brother Seymour served in the Army with the 213th Base Unit, American Air Force. Now an enlisted man with the Canadian Army, Solomon soon returned to St. Johns, Newfoundland and married his wife Christina Buttler on May 26th, 1941. Solomon was promoted from Rifleman and eventually to Sergeant. During this period, he underwent Paratroop training with the 2nd Canadian Paratroop Battalion and finally with the elite 1st Canadian Special Service Battalion – famously known as” The Black Devils” and immortalized in the movie “The Devils Brigade”. An elite unit, the Battalion were handpicked from the hardiest and fittest of recruits from the Canadian and American Armies. On November 5th, 1943 Sgt. Biblowitz arrived in Casablanca and the hard fighting action was soon to follow; Difensa, Cassino, Anzio, Rome, and Southern France. On September 12th, 1944, while on outpost duty at Mt. Ors France, Sgt. Biblowitz was Killed in Action during an assault against a superior enemy force near the outpost. Leading the assault, Sgt. Biblowitz rushed against heavy enemy fire, shouting orders to his men and returning fire as they moved forward. Forcing the enemy to withdraw, Sgt. Biblowitz and his unit continued in pursuit until they ran out of ammunition. He personally captured several men. It was while returning to outflank the enemy to capture more prisoners that he was fatally shot by a sniper. He was 27 years old. For his brave and gallant acts, he was awarded the United States Silver Star. Commanding Officer, Col. Walker said there was no more a courageous soldier in the Force than Sgt. Biblowitz. In addition to his heroic actions, he did great work on the Anzio Beachhead, and he always had a clear, concise knowledge of the enemy positions, and obtained valuable information. He was a very brave soldier. On January 17th, 1957 the government of the Northwest Territories named a lake (Biblowitz Lake) in memory of Staff Sergeant Solomon M. Biblowitz. SSgt. Solomon M. Biblowitz in his uniform c.a. 1943. His Paratrooper wings can be clearly seen above his breast pocket as well US Infantry collar insignia. Image: Veterans Affairs Canada. Medals awarded posthumously to SSgt. Biblowitz complete with Birks Bar. L-R, US Army Silver Star for valor in combat. 1939-45 Star for six months’ service on active operations, Italy Star operational service in Sicily or Italy, Canadian Volunteer Service Medal with Clasp granted to those who voluntarily served and clasp for 60 days’ service outside Canada, The War Medal 1939-45 awarded to all full-time personnel of the Armed Forces. Image: Veterans Affairs Canada.