October 1970: The Canadian Airborne Regiment deploys to Montreal, QC during the FLQ Crisis. The crisis begins in October 1970 when members of the Front de liberation du Quebec (FLQ) kidnap the provincial Deputy Premier Pierre Laporte and British diplomat James Cross. Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau invokes the War Measures Act for the first time in Canadian history during peacetime.

    April 1974: The Canadian Airborne Regiment deploys on its first peacekeeping mission to Nicosia, Cyprus.

    July 20, 1974: Turkey, a NATO ally, invades the island of Cyprus. The remaining elements of the Airborne Regiment in Canada are quickly flown into a theatre of war. Canadian forces exchange fire under extremely tense circumstances while maintaining their Peacekeeping Rules of Engagement. The Canadians suffer 2 dead and 30 wounded over two months of conflict.

    November 26, 1976: The Canadian Airborne Regiment is moved from Edmonton to CFB Petawawa. Its independent status is removed but it became an integral component of the Special Service Force (SSF)
    November 19, 1977: The 1st Special Operational Detachment-Delta (SFOD-D) or Delta Force, is established at Fort Bragg, NC. This is the US Army’s Tier One special mission unit (SMU) and has established lineage to the FSSF.
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